• BorisBob

    Well, I succeeded to post my photo … now I need to change my … pass word … is it possible here? What does it mean (for my profile?):

    1. Jmeno
    2. Vek
    3. Typ
    0 0
    • wlk  

      If you want to change your password,you have to send a mail to admin@bike-forum.cz and write your nick there, the old password a and the new one. Jmeno – name Vek – age Typ – how much you love your bike

      0 0

        dyt tam je pro zmenu hesla formular, tak mu to nekdo napiste, ja bych to do kupy nedal ;)

        0 0
        • wlk  

          to máš jedno,mailem nebo formulářem, adminovi to přijde z jedný nebo druhý strany.

          0 0
    • BorisBob  

      Thank you WLK! Right now I will fill the form and try to change the pass word.

      0 0
      • wlk  

        you´re welcome :-)

        0 0
      • BorisBob  

        Thanks WLK … I really feel here fine … much younger …

        0 0
        • BH  

          Hi Boris, please explain me why did you check in this forum,so you do not understad czech leangue? May be it is better for you. Why ? Because here is lot of stupid questions and answers too (sometime).It is interesting information for me that in Bulgaria are bikers too. For me is Bulgaria " terra incognito "now. However I have been 3× in Bulgaria in past.Is interesting that my firs trip to Bulgaria was by bike.Do you know Sozopol? Nice sea and girls too. Sweet Bulgaria !

          0 0
          • Komi  

            I agree! Some questions and answers here are really stupid!

            0 0
      • CZiko  

        I think you are first member, which is not from czech republic or slovakia. Welcome. It seems, that our forum is now well-known in the world:-) And sorry for my english… it is not excellent, I know:-)

        0 0
        • cabbage  

          a don´t think so, there used to be one biker from Poland who established thread „czeske sklepy“.

          0 0
      • BorisBob  

        Please do not worry for your English Cziko … my one is the same … I do not believe, your forum is known in Bulgaria – no many bicyclists here, but I have reasons to love your country.

        0 0
        • CZiko  

          now I am not worry… but when I get bad mark at school I am:-)

          No many bicyclists in Bulgaria? So you must popularize this fine sport! :-) And then, they will come here:-)

          0 0
        • BorisBob  

          You NEEDN’T to learn it for marcs in the school Cziko! You need to learn it for YOU! I see in each next year in Bulgaria more young people on bikes … I love to speak about it with my students …

          0 0
          • CZiko  

            Yes I know it is for me, but I am not excited from bad mark:-) Your students? You are teacher? Wow… teacher which love bike…I want to have teacher which love bike! :-)

            0 0
          • BorisBob  

            Not exactly a teacher … I deal with older students … but of first I am a biker :)

            0 0
          • BorisBob  

            And I like to eaplane them how they have to choose gears … it is interesting …

            0 0
          • gobike  

            I also like talking about bicycles at school, but nobody listen to me, because 90percent of my friends think that biking is stupid and boring.

            0 0
            • CZiko  

              I have got same experience…

              0 0
            • Hnoj  

              Ride to live, live to ride…

              0 0
              • CZiko  

                ride to death:-) > death ride :-D

                0 0
              • cabbage  

                sometimes ride to die:/

                0 0
              • BorisBob  

                Boys, boys, boys … Do it, if you like it (biking) You will really find friends in your life to do it with … not necessary everyone to be a biker really!

                0 0
              • BorisBob  

                And what do I say about my experience … my neighbours think I am the Craziest one … but it doesn't any matter for me … when I am on the road, I am the happiest one!

                0 0
                • Kol.ista  

                  Are bikes expensive in Bulgary?

                  0 0
                • Meesha  

                  Yes, tell us about bike offer in your country! …and prices ofcourse :-)

                  0 0
                • CZiko  

                  It think only neighbours, that you are crazy? That I am crazy think everyone, who don´t ride bike:-) In our village (foru hundred people) ride bike only two people and me:-)

                  0 0
                  • BorisBob  

                    Do it Cisko, please do not pay any attention for them … not necessary to speak with them … In my country is the same. See my photo album – in the summer I visited a remote little town – the priest in it is my friend. See what I suggest him to explain to people …


                    You will enjoy it, I believe :)

                    0 0
                    • CZiko  

                      Really nice photos. In Bulgaria yo have nice nature I see – a like that mountains.

                      0 0
                      Obsah tohoto příspěvku je blokován.
                      0 0
                  • BorisBob  

                    I was wrong with your name … SORY !!!

                    0 0
                • BorisBob  

                  A resumable bike in Bulgaria you can buy for US$150 … Italian frame, Shimano equipment, 16 kilos, no dampers, 18 – 21 speed, mountain type. My one is the same. I like it because I am so heavy. Each 1500 kilometers a repairmen – replacing all bearings …

                  0 0
                  • gobike  

                    Can you buy these bicycles in Bulgaria? http://www.racebike.cz/

                    0 0
                    • BorisBob  

                      yes, you can

                      0 0
                      • gobike  

                        What do you think about these bikes? Are they popular in Bulgaria?

                        0 0
                        • BorisBob  

                          Hoh … I am wrong … no, yours bicycles are not popular in Bulgaria … we have enough our production …

                          0 0
                          • gobike  

                            And what about Olpran bikes are they also polular, like in czech republic? :-)

                            0 0
                            • sportovni_biker  

                              Why is Olpran so bad? I think it´s good bike

                              0 0
                              • CZiko  

                                I am more choosy about bikes … but I am satisfied, that it is able to recreation trip.

                                0 0
                                • sportovni_biker  

                                  I haven´t got Olpran, but in my city is bikeshop, where they have Olprans for good money.

                                  0 0
                                  • CZiko  

                                    for good money > but I think, that quality corespond with price…

                                    0 0
                                    • gobike  

                                      I hate Olpran, the name is stupid and I wont buy those bicycle not even for 1CZK, I prefer Merida, RB, Specialized and Trek as well.

                                      0 0
                        • CZiko  

                          market investigation? :-)

                          0 0
                      • BorisBob  

                        Yes, they are. All the tinagers in BG bike them, but a little more expensive bikes maybe US 180–200– having springs, dampers … and on … All these axessories are realy not necessary for bikes I believe.

                        0 0
                        • CZiko  

                          I believe only front suspension… rear shock is unnecessary thing for me:-)

                          0 0
                          • Ice-goofy  

                            How I look this discussion is only between sziko and big .. Don´t worry that is only my small unimportant report..

                            0 0
                            • Ice-goofy  

                              sorry to borisbob a change your nickname for big..

                              0 0
                            • CZiko  

                              You can join to our discussion too, if you want:-)

                              0 0
                              • mike!1  

                                I want too, but language is a small problem:-)

                                0 0
                                • Ice-goofy  

                                  Problem :o)No! You can take dictionary and so what… put here some words.. And everbody can speculate obout what you mean…

                                  0 0
                                  • CZiko  

                                    it is not bad idea… but I am afraid, that we start flame:-)

                                    0 0
                                    • Mates  

                                      dear, thank you for this chat. I have to learn English for my job and reading your messages is well exercise. So much I love biking. Let's go on.

                                      0 0
                                      • CZiko  

                                        I want to continue in this english discussion… for me it is good exercise too, because I am student and I need something like this. I think that I will speak on the BF only in english:-)

                                        0 0
                                        • mike!1  

                                          this chat is better then english course:-)

                                          0 0
                                        • Mates  

                                          OK, it's good idea. But you are writing that you are student. I thing it the best time learn diferent language because I'm 45 and a language learning is too much hard activity. Especially more I¨ve family, job and I want ride by bike.

                                          0 0
                                          • CZiko  

                                            I think same… I have got a lot of free time, but reality is, that I still ride my bike and I don´t learn so much, how I should learn. Fortunately english is not too much difficult…

                                            0 0
                                            • gobike  

                                              I have the same problem, if I have to study, I ride my bicicle or I read and laugh at bike forum…

                                              0 0
                                              • Mates  

                                                So I¨m going to cellar to clean and grease my darling. Mornig I'm going to bike trip, probably only along. For my bike friends bave been too cold yet.

                                                0 0
    • Komi  

      I like this ENERGY DRINK :-) http://floodtour.tripod.com/2/index.album?i=22

      0 0

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