Napsal mi polák, že má zájem o helmu kterou zde potažmo na inzeruji. Nabídnul platbu předem včetně poštovného. Ptal jsem se ho jestli se mu to vyplatí, odpověděl mi že ano. Tak jsem mu dal IBAN a čekal, že mi pošle klasicky zálohu na dopravu předem.
Pak mi přišlo od First Direct Bank email z emailu
Your appointment has been accepted.
Hello Grxxx Fixxx
Instant international payment received from Noxxx Maxxx
This email confirms that you have received an instant payment of Kč xxxx.00 CZK from
Noxxx Maxxx through First Direct Bank MERCHANDISE payment service.
( Smith engage Mips Matte cinder )
Status: Pending
Policy: This payment method cannot be reversed or canceled for seller protection.
Transaction status: Initiated 99% completed… (Read the instructions below and follow the instructions to complete the transaction)
Summary of this invoice
Sender information:
Noxxx Matxxx
Receiver information:
Grxxx Fixxx
MONETA Money Bank A.S
Transaction ID
Pending Amount: Kčxxxx.00 CZK
The above amount includes shipping fee of the Goods, which means they must be manually approved by us. Given the amount of money involved, we need to take additional steps to protect account holders.
In order for us to release this payment and credit it to your Bank account.
Confirmed Delivery Address:
Name: Noxxx Maxxx
Address: Gdańsk Powroźnicza 21/22, 80–828 Gdańsk, Poland.
For security reasons, we have made sure that this payment method cannot be canceled or split by the sender to ensure that you receive your money once you complete the shipment of the Goods and return to us with the the shipment receipt/proof of the shipment for verification and immediate released your amount of Kč xxxx.00 CZK to your Bank Account upon shipment receipt/proof of the Goods for us to come it's VALIDATE and release your amount in pending to your Bank account.
Team First Direct Bank.
Thank You For Choosing Our Service We're Here To Serve You Well.
Setkal se s tím někdo? Je to Scam? Pokud to chápu dobře, tak mi nepřipíšou peníze dokud to nepošlu. Nebo mi taky nepřipíšou vůbec nic.