Už se těším na zkoušku minionu 2.6
(vloženo 9.3.17)
Vzhledem k tomu, že limit ráfků mám pro 2.3 pláště 46PSI, tak je stejně nevytáhnu.
vždy nafouknu na 4bar a nechám přes noc ,pak upustím…a nezdá se ,že by zůstaly ty pláště větší po vypuštění
10.3.17 08:48
Prelozeno a zkraceno to co zkopiroval LM: Maxxis meri sirku plastu, kdyz jsou nafouknute na maximalni tlak, ktery maji napsany na bocnici. Udajne se take plaste mirne rozsiri po prvnim nafouknuti, takze pro ziskani jejich vetsi sirky doporucuje nafouknout na max tlak (plaste, nebo rafku-nizsi hodnota vitezi) a nechat pres noc, aby se plast rozsiril.
Tohleto je hodně zajímavé – tak proto jsou Maxxisy takový užovky :-)
There was one fact in particular that stood out – exactly how Maxxis measures their tires. According to Joel DeMeritt, one of Maxxis' tire design and development engineers, they measure a tire's width when it's inflated to the maximum pressure printed on the sidewall. In some cases, that can be as high as 60 psi for a mountain bike tire, so it's no surprise that the tires can measure a bit smaller than expected when aired up to the pressure most riders use, typically somewhere between 20 – 30 psi.
Tires will also stretch slightly after their initial inflation, so to make sure you achieve as much width as possible it's best to inflate them up to the maximum pressure (or the maximum pressure your rims can handle if that's the lower of the two numbers), and then let them sit overnight before deflating them to your preferred psi.