• sergioo


    My name is Sergi and I'm from Spain. I'm studying in Brno until July and I'm a cyclist. I take my moutain bike from spain and I want to do routes arround Brno and czech republic. I don't know any route in Brno and I would like to go with someone by bike.

    Are someone doing a mountainbike route arround Brno the next weekend?

    I'm sorry that I don't speak cesky, I just arrived here some days ago and I just started learning.


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      Hi man there is a lot of action going on  in the weekend.A lot of people are going to ride there bike from Olimpia and other places.So if you wanna you can come there as well.

      Just look on this website and you will see more.........­.......http://www­.roadcycling.cz/in­dex.php5?str=sr­azy&idzs=10

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    • bagr84  

      Generally, north of the city and da prygl dam neighbourhood offers better opportunities for biking than any other location around. Luckily for you, gone are the days of white shit you are surely not used to ^^.


      Just curious, what bike do you ride? Any local brand? :)

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      • sergioo  

        My bike is a Giant NRS is not a local brand, is there any local brand of czech republic? I visited a shop and there was a lots of Merida bikes but I didn't see any local brand

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          Obsah tohoto příspěvku je blokován.
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          Obsah tohoto příspěvku je blokován.
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    • vikicek  

      Hola, no quiero comer mi abuelo muerto :) .. es mi muy favorita frase espaňola :D …

      Pues, no soy de Brno así que no puedo ir con la bicicleta con ti … pero si irías a Praga, puedo demostrarte algunos lugares buenos para MTB .. :o)

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        Obsah tohoto příspěvku je blokován.
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    • Splinter  

      Hi Sergi,

      next weekend is too far for me to plan some bike trip, but you can join us on our regular trips every thursday (except those with weather like today:)

      I thing, you will enjoy both parts of that, the ride and also one small stop;)

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      • pepek  

        O shit !

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      • sergioo  

        The weather for this weekend is not good for go biking. I usually go biking in sunny days and O hate the rain.I'd like to go with you the next thursday, what time and place do you meet?

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        • Splinter  

          will be specified later (tu,we)

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        • Polka  

          That's the place., Sergi.

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          • Martula  


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          • jIrI___  

            Jak se dá nejlíp dojet na Bukovinku po asfaltě? Resp. jaký je provoz na cestě Obřany – Bílovice n. S. – Říčmanice – Kanice – Březina ( – Bukovina – Bukovinka). Na mapě je značená jako nějaká hlavnější. Beru si kolo do Brna a chtěl bych se zajet podívat do té, na B-F, proslavené hospody. Terénem se mi kvůli panujícímu počasí nechce.

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            • Polka  

              Zalezi cemu rikas provoz :-) Z Bilovic nahoru do Ochoza je to imho jak nekde na konci sveta, takze pohoda. Ale ja su na provoz zvyklej z mesta, takze to je relativni O:-)

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            • Běžec  

              Není tam nějak hroznej provoz. Z Březiny je imho určitě lepší jet přes Lhotky (červená turistická značka, nicméně je to taky asfaltka) než přes Bukovinu.

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          • Jaroslávek  

            Hustý, bude mezinárodní pařák na základně.-)

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          • Motyll  

            Půjčím Laďovi slovník… No ale kdž tam jezdí Poláci, tak my jsme na mezinárodní klientelu zvyklí…

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          • soc  

            Tak tam je to… :) konečně vím…

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        • Paja  

          Write into any thread that has Brno, Buk or Bukovinka;) in the title and we`ll tell you when and from where we start…

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      • sergioo  

        Hi! todays weather is the best since I arrived in Brno. Are you going biking this afternoon??

        If someone is going biking this afternoon tell me the place and I will be there, I need to ride my bike!

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        • Paja  

          Sure he is, but todays ride is much more about drinking than biking, because of my daughters birth;) ve start here at 16:30, return will be late, so that you need some light…

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    • Polka  

      Other opportunity how to learn something more about south moravian region is to join us on our regular spring road trips. By them…even in some cases…you can find yourself in Austria or Slovakia :-))

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    • rexa  

      Hi Sergi!

      Check this website: http://www.horskakola.wz.cz/  We meet at the station Technicke muzeum of the tram nr. 13 every monday at 15:00. So it is very close to yours college. We start this monday (9.3.2009). The weather forecast isn't very good for this week but I belive it is going better next week. The countryside around Brno is a great place to go biking, so let join us and meet a wonderfull trails! ; ) 

      The site is full of pictures from amazing trails, so I believe it will be interesting for you!

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      • Polka  

        To je covece jak z nake brozury „Brno – nelepci traily na svete“, nemozu si pomoct :)

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        • rexa  

          Máš recht, je to jak z letáku. Myslím, že by si to Brno zasloužilo ; )

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        • Jaroslávek  

          Tam jsem se jednou pokoušel nominovat, ale náš „bývalý fousatý kamarád“ mě to tak nějak nepřímo rozmluvil.

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      • sergioo  

        Hi! I know where is this place. I will be there tomorrow at 15.00! If the weather is bad (rain or hard wind) I will not come.

        See you tomorrow!

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        • rexa  

          According to the weather forecast, the weather is going to be bad : (   I'm not sure if, I'll be there. Will se at the morning

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        • sergioo  

          I'm sorry but I not will be there today. When I wake up this morning I feel very bad and I stayed all the morning in the bed. I hope go biking another day with you soon.

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    • sergioo  


      Is someone going biking tomorrow or sunday? I would like to discover the trails arround Brno. I was running for the mountains yesterday and I found a lot of small paths though the forest,it is perfect for the cycling! I think you can show me more of these paths arround brno, who is going biking tomorrow?tell me the place and the hour and I will be there


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